arl Steel Tally
Smartphone tallying:recording coils, pipes and more. Sync to cloud. Confirmed handling list done!

Tired of carrying clipboard around when handling is ongoing? Office tired of retyping? Go cloud and smartphone app!

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arl Vehicle Pre-Delivery Inspector
Vehicle pre-delivery inspection on smartphone, on-site in real-time, with photo snapshots

Inspect vehicle according to checklist and report affirmative checks as well as document any descrepanies on smartphone and sync to cloud

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arl Trailer Repair Estimator
Record trailer damages and repair estimates on smartphone. Sync to cloud and repair estimate-PDF is sent off.

VIN number or other id, together with vehicle characteristics recorded on a smartphone at the ramp, or on the deck, while discharge or load operation is ongoing.

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arl Reefer Yard Monitor
Record reefer containers' performance on smartphone while walking the yard..

Reefer containers temperature readings monitored from mobile app, sync'ed to the cloud, monitoring all live reefers on yard.

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arl Container Repair Estimator
Record container condition and repair efforts and materials estimates on the go.

container repair estimator from smartphone, sync'ed to the cloud, assessing damages, efforts and materials

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